The first rule of leadership and mentoring is to lead by example.
Lack of individual physical movement invariably leads to circulatory illnesses.
The same is true for nations.
Political and economic inertia is similarly harmful.
See at the White House:
The First Lady Delivered:
Watch the President and Vice President Show Us How They Move
Especially members of the "affluent" society might profit from realizing
Lack of individual physical movement invariably leads to circulatory illnesses.
The same is true for nations.
Political and economic inertia is similarly harmful.
See at the White House:
The First Lady Delivered:
Watch the President and Vice President Show Us How They Move
Especially members of the "affluent" society might profit from realizing
- that "sitting on your wealth" is just as bad for the health of a nation
- as "sitting on your behind too much" is bad for one's physical well-being.
And you all know,
Security is mortals' chiefest enemy.
- Hecate, Act III Scene V of Macbeth,
by William Shakespeare