Thursday, September 06, 2012

Goophone I5 Beats Apple iPhone 5 to the Punch As Chinese Learn Patent-Fast From Litigating Patent Trolling American Role Model that Patenting is the Road to Get Rich Quick


At Bloomberg Businessweek, Dexter Roberts has the story in:

Enter Goophone I5, Looking a Lot Like Apple’s iPhone 5

Rather than cooperating in a friendly way with the Asian partners who are manufacturing all the electronics these days, the proprietary monopolistic approach of Apple in its "thermonuclear war" against Android has unforgivably chosen the path of senseless legal confrontation. It is a war Apple has no chance of winning down the road.

Once people start playing "the patent game", all kinds of new players enter the fray, and sometimes in the long-run, they will turn out to hold the better cards, especially if they control many of the natural and labor resources necessary for production of modern gadgets and devices.