Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Changes to EUR-Lex, Official Journal of the European Union (EU), Legislative Acts, New Numbering in Treaties : EUR-Lex Newsletter 8/1/2010

The EUR-Lex Newsletter 8/1/2010 : Access to European Union Law contains important information about changes to EUR-Lex, to the Official Journal of the European Union, to a distinction introduced between legislative and non-legislative acts, and reference to the new numbering of the 'Treaty on European Union' and the 'Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union' as per the Lisbon Treaty. EUR-Lex writes:
"The EUR-Lex website has been harmonized with the other websites of the Publications Office....

From first January 2010 the structure of the Official Journal is adapted in order to take account of the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon....

In particular a distinction between 'Legislative acts' (L I) and 'Non-legislative acts' (L II) has been introduced in conformity with the Treaty of Lisbon....

Articles, sections, chapters, titles and parts of the 'Treaty on European Union' and of the 'Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union' are renumbered (Treaty of Lisbon article 5 and Annex)."
For more details, see the Newsletter.